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Đang hiển thị bài đăng từ Tháng 10, 2020

I Got The Corpses In The Back Shirt

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 about dodging labor laws and other regulations by using the magic words "on the Internet!". Here's the real hard truth, this is stupid in the midterm, we're maybe a decade away from self-driving cars at this point? The second they become a real  I Got The Corpses In The Back Shirtoption the driving industry is dead, these efforts to make driving more tolerable the short term is a bad idea and is going to lead more people into treating this as a career instead  I Got The Corpses In The Back Shirt of learning a new skillset. Not really a blow to the gig economy. Uber and Lyft really have malicious practices and exploit their employees. This is uplifting news. Companies like Uber and Lyft shouldn't even exist, given that they've literally never turned a profit. Uber had a net loss of like 9 billion last year. these companies are not sound businesses in any sense of the word. They're money black holes. Zombie corporate entities that get to shamble on in a st...

Everyone Has A Family Tree But I Have A Cactus Full Of Pricks Shirt

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 If the app was kept as it was originally intended, then this wouldn't have happened. But Uber and Lyft got greedy and started shoving their way into the industry without following the rules. The app took a small cut and simply hooked you up with people  Everyone Has A Family Tree But I Have A Cactus Full Of Pricks Shirt needing a ride. That's it. But they kept going, cutting pay and taking more for themselves, bypassing laws, and all around doing normal corporate BS. I'm sure in the end it was still worth it though. They could probably close up shop and be perfectly happy with the severance they took by undercutting their workers good deal of the modern gig economy is built around abusing the gray areas of the law. The justice systems and politicians will catch up eventually. Gee, now let's see some judge ruled that Uber and Lyft are TAXI services, subject to all the same regulations and fees that kept that industry under control. Basically, they were doing an end-run...

Gnome Buffalo Plaid Christmas Tree Light Ugly Santa Hat Shirt

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 Legislators really need to create a class of employment somewhere between contractors. And employees that protect gig workers while allowing companies and workers flexibility. If only professional wrestlers were treated as employees. Especially since many have contracts that forbid them to work elsewhere while not making the most money. I think Uber’s long game is to have an autonomous fleet of cars. But at least they’ll have to pay people better in th Gnome Buffalo Plaid Christmas Tree Light Ugly Santa Hat Shirt e interim maybe? There was a year when my rent went up 20% and my expected raise was shelved, so I was scrambling and signed up for Uber.DoorDash and Postmates thinking I'd need to swing some extra cash fast. I ended up not needing any of them, but Uber was hounding me like a dog for 2 weeks asking when I was going to start so they could figure out their logistics.  Uber is a scam for drivers. Uber hasn't made any money yet in a big part because the rates they make d...

Let’s Go 2020 Houston Astros Shirt

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 as an affordable means of transport. Destroy the marketplace nature of these companies. And you’ll see a return to the days of wildly overpriced cab rides and long wait times. It's all fun and games until you get into a crash - can't file workman's comp for your on-the-job incident. Looks like we'll all be employees of Amazon and eBay soon enough.Don't h Let’s Go 2020 Houston Astros Shirt ave employer-sponsored health insurance for your hospital bill, the car repair bill is yours to keep too. No one is a slave. Contractors aren’t slaves and employees are not slaves. If someone doesn’t want to be a contractor driving for Uber, I would suggest that they not apply to be one. I would say the same thing to someone. Who doesn’t want to be an employee at any company, including Uber, who also has employees? Would this mean that they could be? Considered to have tens of thousands more employees after this on a roll call? And who decides how active a driver must be to be con...

Eddie Van Halen Legend Shirt

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 According to recent surveys, a majority of Uber drivers do NOT want to be employees. And 2/3rds claim they’ll stop driving if their flexibility is compromised. And, let’s not forget how many low-income people rely on rideshare services as an affordable means of transport. Destroy the marketplace nature of these companies. And you’ll see a return to the  Eddie Van Halen Legend Shirt days of wildly overpriced cab rides and long wait times. It's all fun and games until you get into a crash - can't file workman's comp for your on-the-job incident. Looks like we'll all be employees of Amazon and eBay soon enough.Don't have employer-sponsored health insurance for your hospital bill, the car repair bill is yours to keep too. No one is a slave. Contractors aren’t slaves and employees are not slaves. If someone doesn’t want to be a   Buy it :  Eddie Van Halen Legend Shirt Home : Lordtee

Maleficent Chibi Touch My Coffee I Will Slap You So Hard Even Google Won’t Be Able To Find You Shirt

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 . The only exploitation and greed in this situation are coming from the state. Possible bad cases are Uber/Lyft hiring way fewer drivers, more people deciding to just drive themselves. Even if like intoxicated, or bringing back of the giant cab industry which had its own problems.his won't fly. Uber drivers are independent contractors, similar to  Maleficent Chibi Touch My Coffee I Will Slap You So Hard Even Google Won’t Be Able To Find You Shirt real estate agents. They make money per job completed. Unfortunately, it will under AB5 in California. This horribly written law (forcing W2s and placing restrictions on 1099 work) has affected many other industries drastically over the past year. Especially the arts. Nice to know the looters and nanny statists in California are doing everything. They can make transportation more expensive and reduce worker choice. Gig jobs are intended to be exactly that: a way for folks to augment their income on their own terms. With flexible hou...

Baby Yoda Baby Boo I Am Love Me You Must Halloween Shirt

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 The last part of this rant is for the people who think “corporate greed” is the problem here. Sadly, it is not. They are only providing an opportunity for people to make a little money on the side or as a bridge. To their next step in a career, or for whatever other reason people want to drive for them. Nobody is being exploited. The only exploitation and greed in this situation are coming from the state. Possible bad cases are Uber/Lyft hiring way fewer  Baby Yoda Baby Boo I Am Love Me You Must Halloween Shirt drivers, more people deciding to just drive themselves. Even if like intoxicated, or bringing back of the giant cab industry which had its own problems.This won't fly. Uber drivers are independent contractors, similar to real estate agents. They make money per job completed. Unfortunately, it will under AB5 in California. This horribly written law (forcing W2s and placing restrictions on 1099 work) has affected many other industries drastically over the past year ...

Owl I Only Read Books 3 Day A Week Yesterday Today And Tomorrow Shirt

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  It seems like a good thing to ensure the drivers have a bare minimum of insurance, protection. And benefits that any other regular employee would get. Remember cab companies or delivery services prior to Uber/Lyft/etc.? Yeah, that's what it will be like. This just doesn’t apply to California. It spans across many professions that were. I’m currently an  Owl I Only Read Books 3 Day A Week Yesterday Today And Tomorrow Shirt owner and operator of a group practice in California. The laws have impacted the health industry and without reform or change of this stupid law. It makes businesses such as my face difficult decisions. the end of the day, it’s all about producing revenue for the state. By taxing more individuals the state generates more money for them. If the super shuttle was making money with its previous model, it would not have tried this change. They were not making it, so they tried what they could to survive and it didn't work out that way either. Keeping employees...

Flamingo Let Me Pour You A Tall Glass Of Get Over It Oh and Here's A Straw So You Can Suck It Up Shirt

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 Because a lot of people seem focused on the outcome. Which is that drivers should be paid more and treated better. And because getting an employee status helps that, they're all on board.  A large majority of Reddit thinks all companies are Flamingo Let Me Pour You A Tall Glass Of Get Over It Oh and Here's A Straw So You Can Suck It Up Shirt evil and need to be punishedheir knowledge of how companies work and the actual impact on the economy is also usually ass-backward. This is bad for the companies, the drivers, and the consumer. Me too, I am really in disbelief. When people sign up for Uber they know what they are getting into and people sign up for the  Flamingo Let Me Pour You A Tall Glass Of Get Over It Oh and Here's A Straw So You Can Suck It Up Shirt flexibility. Now that they are going to be classified as employees, they will have set hours (hours they won't like), have to wear a uniform, maybe even go somewhere to pick up a vehicle, have training meetings...

The King Of Halloween Jack Skellington Shirt

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 Meanwhile, people forget that drivers set their own hours, decide. When they want to work for each, or both at the same time, etc The King Of Halloween Jack Skellington Shirt . That's the flexibility of the gig economy. The whole point of these models was to disrupt the old model of having to show up for a certain shift. Or get canned by the taxi company. Because a lot of people seem focused on the outcome. Which is that drivers should be paid more and treated better. And because getting an employee status helps that, they're all on board.  A large majority of Reddit thinks all companies are evil and need to be punished.Their knowledge of how companies work and the actual impact on the economy is also usually ass-backward. This is bad for the companies, the drivers, and the consumer. Me too, I am really in disbelief. When people sign up for n interview process and n  Buy it :  The King Of Halloween Jack Skellington Shirt Home : Lordtee

Nice Griddy Minnesota Football Shirt

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 . I don’t get to go back. Drivers become a cost. If I’m paying benefits the cost of 2 drivers and 100 is big. I don’t need to keep that many drivers available. I only need to have enough to cover the areas and times. If you don't go to work, or even if you're  Nice Griddy Minnesota Football Shirt working but not doing trips. They don't have to pay you. It hurts to think that other Uber drivers in similar positions might now lose this opportunity. Uber also doesn't have the staff to do the type of management you describe. I think a more likely scenario would be for drivers to be given trip quotas to meet. I can't understand why this is great for anyone. They are gonna pay minimum wage now, and workers will end up in a worse spot. Because they can't write off things like gas and vehicle maintenance on their 1099s anymore. People here are pretending they care about the treatment of employees, as they're typing celebration messages on their smartphones made by...

Official Los Angeles Express Football Shirt

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 You can’t do that if you're an employee-employer relationship. If I don’t feel like coming into work tomorrow I have to take a day off. I can’t just show up. I don’t get to go back. Drivers become a cost. If I’m paying benefits the cost of 2 drivers and 100 is big. I don’t need to keep that many drivers available. I only need to have enough to cover the  Official Los Angeles Express Football Shirt areas and times. If you don't go to work, or even if you're working but not doing trips. They don't have to pay you. It hurts to think that other Uber drivers in similar positions might now lose this opportunity.Uber also doesn't have the staff to do the type of management you describe. I think a more likely scenario would be for drivers to be given trip quotas to meet. I can't understand why this is great for anyone.   Buy it :  Official Los Angeles Express Football Shirt Home : Lordtee

Drake Started From The Bottom Now We’re Deer Ugly Christmas Shirt

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 But I will say that *some* weak-chinned  Drake Started From The Bottom Now We’re Deer Ugly Christmas Shirt   unattractive males are really triggered by my post! I shall call this discovery "NoSoCool's Theory of Inverted Phrenology" where your whole destiny is *obviously* determined at birth by the shape of your chin and jaw. Bow before your superior mandibles! Not that you're necessarily wrong, but let's not just go ruining beards for everyone please. Hides the weak chin due to excessive cousin-fucking. Heard the term muppet fucker the other day to describe these inbred hilljacks and it fits perfectly. Inbred Redneck, brother and sister produce a child who has the facial features of a muppet. Large nose, small ears, beady eyes.  Buy it : Drake Started From The Bottom Now We’re Deer Ugly Christmas Shirt Premium Trending Shirt This Is Season: Lordtee - Custom - Shirt

Someone Attacks One Party Member We All Roll For Initiative Shirt

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 You mock them, but this is   Someone Attacks One Party Member We All Roll For Initiative Shirt  absolutely true grooming advice. A distinct chin is considered an attractive trait for both men and women. For a guy, if you have a weak chin, double chin, or basically any kind of indistinct chin, one very easy fix for most is to grow some kind of beard (*cries in Chinese genetic beardlessness* - luckily I have a nice chin). Wait, did I just stumble on part of the reason why these guys eventually became terrorists? They had weak chins, were considered unattractive, and hence developed the anger issues that resulted in radicalism? A quick glance at their mug shots looks like the weak/double chin thing is true for most of them at least. Seeing the replies I am getting, I would like to qualify my statement that not every weak-chinned   Buy it :  Someone Attacks One Party Member We All Roll For Initiative Shirt Premium Trending Shirt This Is Season: ...

Jesus Why Walk On Water When You Can Surf Shirt

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 Princip was nineteen years old  Jesus Why Walk On Water When You Can Surf Shirt   at the time and too young to receive the death penalty, as he was twenty-seven days shy of the twenty-year minimum age limit required by Habsburg Law.[29] Instead, he received the maximum sentence of twenty years in prison.[30] Wow, I'd always just assumed he got the death penalty for killing royalty, guess not. Though he did die from the horrible prison conditions in 1918. Several stickers, including some with Marine Corps images, could be seen as well on vehicles. One sticker on a truck window is for a “Terrorist Hunting Permit.” Another is a crest for Kingdom Muzic Ministries. The irony of that "Terrorist Hunting Permit" sticker..  Buy it : Jesus Why Walk On Water When You Can Surf Shirt Premium Trending Shirt This Is Season: Lordtee - Custom - Shirt

Morgan Freeman Photographed Shirt

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And while Gavrilo's  Morgan Freeman Photographed Shirt  (mis)deed was indeed a trigger, many think that WW1 would have happened anyway.  But it was only a casus belli, mere excuse to start the war. There were a lot of other reasons involved. And many countries have had a tons of claims to each other, including territorial disputes, which don't fade away over time. If you refer to wiki's page about the causes, oh boy, it is huge. IIRC Barbara Tuchman's The Guns of August puts some of the blame on railroad timetables. Once railroad transport became reliable, countries like Germany and France knew exactly how much time they had to mobilize before the enemy could move their troops into position and gain an insurmountable  Buy it: Morgan Freeman Photographed Shirt Premium Trending Shirt This Is Season: Lordtee - Custom - Shirt

Watt Is Love Baby Don't Hertz Me Vintage Shirt

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 That’s a great point, and reminded   Watt Is Love Baby Don't Hertz Me Vintage Shirt  me that Gavrilo Princip (the guy who shot Archduke Franz Ferdinand which ultimately kicked off the first World War) was only 19 at the time. In the book, Intimate Voices of the First World War, he wrote a letter while in jail talking about how he did not understand the gravity of what he did until after it happened. He wished some of his fellow Serbian Nationals might have been older to h have perhaps talked some sense into the conspirators. Intimate Voices of the First World War is the name of the book. It has some incredibly fascinating firsthand accounts, including a German U-Boat captain firing a torpedo for the first time, and not knowing if his crew will survive  Buy it :  Watt Is Love Baby Don't Hertz Me Vintage Shirt Premium Trending Shirt This Is Season: Lordtee - Custom - Shirt

I Was Too Old To Fall In Love Again I Became A Grandma Shirt

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They look like the same dude but the   I Was Too Old To Fall In Love Again I Became A Grandma Shirt  second one is the wrong aspect ratio, like it's 4:3 Ricky Gervais and 4:3 Ricky Gervais squashed and stretched to widescreen. They all look like the descendants of Scottish bog people, with the exception of lower left, who is a descendant of Scandinavian lepers. They look like the same dude but the second one is the wrong aspect ratio, like it's 4:3 Ricky Gervais and 4:3 Ricky Gervais squashed and stretched to widescreen. They all look like the descendants of Scottish bog people, with the exception of lower left, who is a descendant of Scandinavian lepers.  Buy it :  I Was Too Old To Fall In Love Again I Became A Grandma Shirt Premium Trending Shirt This Is Season: Lordtee - Custom - Shirt

Shark Bite People Hail Satan Vintage Shirt

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 I actually don’t think this photo is from Halloween. Costumes for Halloween date from the 1940s. It could be from Ragamuffin Day, a precursor to Halloween that was held on Thanksgiving, where kids wore costumes and went door-to-door. Would love  Shark Bite People Hail Satan Vintage Shirt a source for the photo.Edit: another commenter wisely guessed that this could children dressed up for a play. Watch Over the Garden Wall. Not exactly what you’re describing, but it takes inspiration from older animation styles and blends them pretty nicely. These costumes remind of the pumpkin patch episode. People say this is scary but I love the creativity and their ability to actually pull this off! I know! It just gets rid of some of the charms. The polyester x-men pajamas just don’t have the same effect. I love making big fucking cardboard costumes not sure you're right about that. I think at least some of these are book characters. And the middle kid could be Peter pan. I guess in the ...

Horror Movie Characters Cup Dunkin’ Donuts Shirt

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 I toured a Titan missile silo a few years back and as part of the tour the allow 1 person to "push the button" I was picked and having done nuclear war drills in school as a child it was surprisingly unnerving.Oh...and the Titan II stood 110 feet tall and weighed 140 tons. 80 percent of that rocket fuel and oxidizer. Or as people at work call me Horror Movie Characters Cup Dunkin’ Donuts Shirt ...oxidizer.This is an awesome decoration. But as a non-American, I am just entirely confused? It's not even October and Halloween decorations are popping up everywhere? It's a little excessive and early, no? Did you know you can google images of these rockets? Please do that before giving people the wrong information because it’s a Gemini Titan II.I gotta be that guy, the phones are wrong for the Gemini period. Those trim line handsets didn’t come out until later. They would have had 500 Series phones, the old black desktop ones.dang. getting thousands of Reddit upvotes over a...

Remember Going to Places Before Quarantine Isolation Life Shirt

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 Building a small house for myself and I really wanna do some kind of rocket display (space and science motif in general) in the front yard (maybe some round concrete balls painted like planets too) instead of standard stuff and I would like that  Remember Going to Places Before Quarantine Isolation Life Shirt rocket to display year-round. I like these decorations a lot more than boring traditional stuff. Honestly, the gravestones and cheesy pumpkin shit never really entertained anyone, but this? People will remember the reader breaker, come on earth. This is rocket ship 27. Aliens fucked over the carbonator in engine #4. I'm gonna try to reformulate it and land on Juniper. Hopefully, they got some space weed. Over.his is awesome. I prefer this type of Halloween decor. I get people like horror but I’d rather blow kids' minds with my decorations than have them freaked there are people getting all these skeletons? I've seen a good 10 posts with the same skeletons and I want ...

Vote Him Out 2020 Presidential Elections Shirt

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 Yeah, I'm impressed. Those Titan IIs were cool old rockets - I got to see the very last one launched. (That one wasn't actually very impressive; it just disappeared into the marine layer seconds after launch.)One day I showed up to work and  Vote Him Out 2020 Presidential Elections Shirt there was a full-size Mercury capsule on a trailer in the parking lot. Marked Mercury 10, which never happened. Turned out to be a prop for the TV movie "Rocket's Red Glare". Wonder what they did with it after. The mission control panel design and color scheme initially made me think they were doing Chernobyl (or the HBO recreation of it) and then I saw the skeletons and thought wow that's pretty dark. But then I saw the rocket..I’m reading it as spooky, from the title alone, that it’s a skeleton crew that died and never got to launch this beautiful rocket because, my imagination, a pandemic got ahold of them at the exact moment. Idk it’s far fetched and morbidities are rock...

Social Distance Funny Formula Math Quarantine 2020 Shirt

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 I remember growing up when we knew our neighborhood was turning crappy as no one could leave decorations outside their house. Inflatables got slashed, pumpkins smashed, new cars keyed, anything that could get vandalized would. We even had toZ v turn off the community fountain because kids kept putting just go with the mantra, "Can't have anything nice outside" and leave it at that.in it and eventually destroyed it. Someone once stole the sod from my wife's neighbor's house when she was a kid. The same night it was laid down. People will steal lawns, they'll take anything.Well, I'm sure it would be easier to catch the vandalizes right now, if it's in the US. I mean  Social Distance Funny Formula Math Quarantine 2020 Shirt how many people in that neighborhood go out on the same day for their one day a week errands and grocery run. Oh yeah, I forgot, I'm like one of the only ones still taking this pandemic seriously   Buy it :  Social Distance Funny...

My Mornings Are For Coffee And Social Distancing Mask Shirt

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  You say something so obviously wrong and confirm you have no brain at the same time, and in one breath. You must be the pride of the village of idiots. A mask doesn’t help either if it’s so dangerous more ppl would be killed. I would be infected everyone would be infected but were not. A COVID is 0.1 microns. Masks cover 0.3 microns and   My Mornings Are For Coffee And Social Distancing Mask Shirt surgeon masks cover 100 microns. Masks don’t help, You ppl are sheeple. Again if it’s so dangerous why hasn’t your BLM ppl infected and dying all over the streets? Oh right because there’s such a high rate of living. And such a low rate of dying from it. You people are narcissistic psychotic and on the wrong end of the dunning Krueger curve, so stupid that you think everyone but you is morons. You really are dangerous idiots and two of us are required to fix what you destroy just by yourself. And you wonder why this country has turned intoV   Buy it :   My Morni...

Boo Bees Witch Halloween Shirt

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 Probably one of the sole bits of positive news I’ve seen all week. I know all 860,000 aren’t voting for things I care about personally but  Boo Bees Witch Halloween Shirt the fact that Americans chant about how they love the constitution and love how free our land is yet chosen not to vote is shocking. Request and return your ballot as early as possible. Some states require that ballots be delivered by Election Day, not just postmarked, so returning your ballot early will prevent it from arriving after November 3rd. Received ours yesterday. We will be filling them out and dropping them off at the county clerks' office on Monday by hand. everyone out there reading this: your vote matters or they wouldn't be so scared right now. We have the numbers. They don't. All you have to do is register, get the ballot as soon as possible and drop it off in person as soon as you get it filled out. Do not trust your postage at this point. Consider it compromised. Check to see if your st...

Witch Hex The Clown Shirt

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   I do agree with you firstly, the issue is that people who look to Japan specifically don't look at the full picture. Japan did declare a state of national emergency and "requested" people to stay inside. The people of Japan are much more compliant  Witch Hex The Clown Shirt to the government so this request basically gave the same results as a enforced lockdown. Japan, along with other Asian countries and cultures already understood the benefits to mask wearing so people had no issues with taking that practice up either.  We know that obesity and poor health are both things that make the virus much more deadly.The only argument against Japan's handling of the virus is their extremely low testing. If we wanted to look to Japan then we need to learn to be more compliant like they are. Agreed! Humanity has much to learn from this. Thanks for this. Also the track and trace system is a joke and clearly has some bugs. Yep.   Buy it :  Witch Hex The Clown...

Traffic Light People Always Leave Shirt

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 Probably one of the sole bits of positive news I’ve seen all week. I know all 860,000 aren’t voting for things I care about personally but  Traffic Light People Always Leave Shirt the fact that Americans chant about how they love the constitution and love how free our land is yet chosen not to vote is shocking. Request and return your ballot as early as possible. Some states require that ballots be delivered by Election Day, not just postmarked, so returning your ballot early will prevent it from arriving after November 3rd. Received ours yesterday. We will be filling them out and dropping them off at the county clerks' office on Monday by hand.o everyone out there reading this: your vote matters or they wouldn't be so scared right now. We have the numbers. They don't. All you have to do is register, get the ballot as soon as possible and drop it off in person as soon as you get it filled out. Do not trust your postage at this point. Consider it compromised. Check to see ...

I Never Dreamed I'd End Up Being My Wife's Arm Candy But Here I Am Living The Dream Shirt

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 Virginians are lucky, but if you're not in the same boat, please vote anyway. States without early voting or no-excuse absentee voting are run by folks who hope you don't bother. Don't let them steal your voice by being douches and making it harder than it should be. Probably one of the sole bits of positive news I’ve seen all week. I know all 860,000 aren’t voting  I Never Dreamed I'd End Up Being My Wife's Arm Candy But Here I Am Living The Dream Shirt for things I care about personally but the fact that.Americans chant about how they love the constitution and love how free our land is yet choose not to vote is shocking. There’s not as many “Trump” supporters as you’d think IMO. Don’t let the media sway you Trump lost the popular vote by 3 million votes against a candidate that was disliked by most. Biden is much more liked and polling shows it. Get out and vote. I personally think that all the trump supporters today are the same ones that voted for him in the 2...

Tommy Kahnle Yankees Savages Shirt

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 in 5 minutes, COVID19 precautions in full effect. What a fantastic idea early voting was, I hope this becomes the norm from now on. Virginians are lucky, but if you're not in the same boat, please vote anyway. States without early voting or no-excuse absentee voting are run by folks who hope you don't bother. Don't let them steal  Tommy Kahnle Yankees Savages Shirtyour voice by being douches and making it harder than it should be. Probably one of the sole bits of positive news I’ve seen all week. I know all 860,000 aren’t voting for things I  Tommy Kahnle Yankees Savages Shirt care about personally but the fact that.mericans chant about how they love the constitution and love how free our land is yet choose not to vote is shocking. There’s not as many “Trump” supporters as you’d think IMO. Don’t let the media sway you Trump lost the popular vote by 3 million votes against a candidate that was disliked by most. Biden is much more liked and polling shows it. Get out and v...

I Am A Simple Woman Heart Chicken Wine Dog Paw And Flip Flop Shirt

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 . It's Emperor Palpitian in scope and darkness. Already did in Virginia. My local office set up a polling station in our local mall. In and out in  I Am A Simple Woman Heart Chicken Wine Dog Paw And Flip Flop Shirt 5 minutes, COVID19 precautions in full effect. What a fantastic idea early voting was, I hope this becomes the norm from now on. He's gotten people energized and into politics.e's made people realize the importance of it all. Just by virtue of showing how bad things can get if you don't pay attention. Virginians are lucky, but if you're not in the same boat, please vote anyway. States without early voting or no-excuse absentee voting are run by folks who hope you don't bother. Don't let them steal your voice by being douches and making it harder than it should be. I’ll be voting early in person in a week or two. Anyone who can should. Both to counter Trump’s AND to take the load off for people who really need to vote by mail during a pandemic, w...

Bad Things Happen In Philadelphia Shirt

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 Gotta hand it to the GOP: they really took advantage knowing Americans didn't really care to vote. They gerrymandered while most  Bad Things Happen In Philadelphia Shirt American's didn't even know what the word meant, they strengthened the votes of rural areas while weakening the votes of cities and suburbs, then siphoned tax money to their rich donors. It's Emperor Palpitian in scope and darkness. Already did in Virginia. My local office set up a polling station in our local mall. In and out in 5 minutes, COVID19 precautions in full effect. What a fantastic idea early voting was, I hope this becomes the norm from now on. He's gotten people energized and into politics.e's made people realize the importance of it all. Just by virtue of showing how bad things can get if you don't pay attention. Virginians are lucky, but if you're not in the same boat, please vote anyway. States without early voting or no-excuse absentee voting are run by folks   Buy it ...

Boo Flamingo Halloween Shirt

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 Voted progressive down the board. Went with Biden for president. UPS picked it up today. Now to check the MN voter website daily to  Boo Flamingo Halloween Shirt make sure its counted.This is 8 times more than the votes Trump won by. Even if we don’t know the exit polls of these and political leanings of the votes, the sheer number is good news. I am 40 yrs old, and have only voted once in my life. Just registered to vote in Fl. I am one of those folks who think votes don't count. But just in case they do, I'm voting Biden this time. This will be my first time ever voting . I hated trump in 2016 but didn’t think he would actually win and before that I kinda had the view it didn’t matter who was president. I feel like a dick now and after the last 4 years I will walk barefoot to the polls. Buy it :  Boo Flamingo Halloween Shirt Home : Lordtee

Cigar Gotta Tap That Ash Shirt

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 mess I am more of voting against someone than for someone, but thats as good enough reason to vote as any I guess. Received my MN  Cigar Gotta Tap That Ash Shirt absentee on Friday, spent the afternoon researching local candidates. Voted progressive down the board. Went with Biden for president. UPS picked it up today. Now to check the MN voter website daily to make sure its counted.his is 8 times more than the votes Trump won by. Even if we don’t know the exit polls of these and political leanings of the votes, the sheer number is good news. I am 40 yrs old, and have only voted once in my life. Just registered to vote in Fl. I am one of those folks who think votes don't count. But just in case they do, I'm voting Biden this time. This will be my first time ever voting . I hated trump in 2016 but didn’t think he would actually win and before that I kinda had the view it didn’t matter who was president. I feel like a dick now and after the last 4 years I will walk barefoot to...

Benedict Cumberbatch Sherlock I’m Not Anti-social I’m Anti-idiot Shirt

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 Live in MD, requested my mail in weeks ago, will fill it out and drop off at the county office the day I get it. I hate that this country is such a mess I am more of voting against someone than for someone, but thats as good enough reason to vote as  Benedict Cumberbatch Sherlock I’m Not Anti-social I’m Anti-idiot Shirt any I guess. Received my MN absentee on Friday, spent the afternoon researching local candidates. Voted progressive down the board. Went with Biden for president. UPS picked it up today. Now to check the MN voter website daily to make sure its counted.his is 8 times more than the votes Trump won by. Even if we don’t know the exit polls of these and political leanings of the votes, the sheer number is good news. I am 40 yrs old, and have only voted once in my life. Just registered to vote in Fl. I am one of those folks who think votes don't count. But just in  Buy it :  Benedict Cumberbatch Sherlock I’m Not Anti-social I’m Anti-idiot Shirt Home : Lo...

2020 Living Room Season Ticket Holder Michigan Wolverines Football Shirt

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 do considering the last time. I know it’s the second time around and people had certain feelings in 2016 but stay vigilant my friends. This party only just started and won’t end till next year. decided on who not to vote for when the term  2020 Living Room Season Ticket Holder Michigan Wolverines Football Shirt "alternative facts" was uttered, when corruptions and crimes committed by the President's inner sanctum become daily events, when children are forced into concentration camps and separated from their parents, when white supremacy is celebrated and promoted by the West Wing, when 200K of my fellow citizens died for nothing and no one in the Administration give a damn, and when an American President acts like a third world dictator openly interfering in the election and conspires in ways not to relinquish the office if he loses.  Buy it :  2020 Living Room Season Ticket Holder Michigan Wolverines Football Shirt Home : Lordtee

Witch Nurse Brew Ativan 2 Haldol 5 Benadryl 50 Shirt

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 This year will be the first year I can vote in a Presidential election. I couldn’t vote in 2016 as I was 16, but boy do I wish I had been able to. But this year I can and I’m so excited! Can't wait to get my ballot in the mail. Will drop it off at the Registrar of Voters in person because I want it to be counted. From reading the comments you guys seem super confident one side will take this thing easily. This is not a very smart thing to do considering the last  Witch Nurse Brew Ativan 2 Haldol 5 Benadryl 50 Shirt time. I know it’s the second time around and people had certain feelings in 2016 but stay vigilant my friends. This party only just started and won’t end till next year. decided on who not to vote for when the term "alternative facts" was uttered, when corruptions and crimes committed by the President's inner sanctum become daily events, when children are forced into concentration camps and separated from their parents, when white supremacy is   Buy it :...

Funny Conservative Thug Shirt

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 We need Biden to win, then we need there to be some sweeping changes to protect our country. It should be a requirement that tax returns, loan docs, etc. need to be disclosed before running for office. Perhaps not always publicly, but we need something to change. It's ridiculous that someone in the military can get denied a security clearance because they  Funny Conservative Thug Shirt have student debt, but you can run the country with $400M of debt and a VERY likely case of felony tax fraud against the country you're running. Completely unrelated, but can you imagine the clusterfuck this scumbag has to deal with every day.Takes a certain type of person to just ignore it. What I find funny is that we knew about douche bank 4 years ago. Trump Jr. said on National TV, "no one lends to us anymore. Only the Russians do, that's who owns all the gold courses." Don't forget, the IRS may hit his ass with a $100M tax bill if his prior refund  Buy it ;  Funny Conserv...

Will You Shut Up Man Biden Harris 2020 Shirt

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 Trumps at the point in the game of monopoly where you land on another player's hotel and you just mortgaged all your land. Next, turn it over for him. Too bad he's trying to take us all down with him. Donald Trump doesn’t have any debt, he has money, he has all the money...the best money, you wouldn’t believe how good all his money is Will You Shut Up Man Biden Harris 2020 Shirt ! Because trump owes money to russian top billionaires. Didn’t your own media tried telling you guys about him in 2016. tried telling you guys exactly what he would do. You guys still voted for him.ou guys have way to much pride for clowns. Mr. President paids less taxes then a hard working person at a fast food joint! Welcome to America! This man is the perfect, distilled essence of the American ethos.   Buy it :  Will You Shut Up Man Biden Harris 2020 Shirt Home : Effecttee

Vote And Tell Them Ruth Sent You Shirt

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 A while back on Reddit, wallstreetbets found a loophole in trading. Where you could leverage infinite margin and someone bought 1.8million in AMD (I think). They thought it was brilliant, someone pointed out that it equated to taking out a  Vote And Tell Them Ruth Sent You Shirt 1.8million dollar loan for 1.8 million in options. In the hopes of making 60,000 in profit. Trump's finances look exactly like that, to me. A guy who somehow managed to cobble together loans so. He could act like a mogul or tycoon when in reality his net worth is probably smaller than mine.When you apply for government security clearance, they make a check to see how much money you owe to make sure you can't be compromised. I’m just wondering. How did he obtain a security clearance in the first place with the amount of debt he’s in? Isn’t that like automatic disqualification for a TS clearance  Buy it :  Vote And Tell Them Ruth Sent You Shirt Home : Effecttee

Vote Removes Stubborn Orange Stains Shirt

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 This is our fault. Our leaders brought us to this point over the course of many years of mismanagement and profiteering. We allowed this to happen on  Vote Removes Stubborn Orange Stains Shirt our democracy. I sincerely hope people will take this strange fever dream of a trump era as a learning point. Him getting elected didn’t happen overnight, years of pandering and far right-wing bullshit paved the way for him. And now they worship him. I currently have COVID and let me tell you, this shit is no joke. I am 27 and healthy and pretty fit. When I first got it I was like pshhh yeah whatever. So we don't get to see the returns and the Times won't provide them, to protect their source? have been reduced to an achy miserable old man in less than a week and it’s still getting worse. I didn’t expect it to impact me nearly as much as it did... really thought I would be one of those asymptomatic folks.   Buy it :  Vote Removes Stubborn Orange Stains Shirt Home : Effect...

Vintage Carpenter Knows More Than He Says And Notices More Than You Realize Shirt

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 Very few Republican voters understand v that spending just means paying more next year. I think it begets usually the Republican president leaves the bill for the Democrat to fix and when we're staying in 8 yrs the republican factory starts a  Vintage Carpenter Knows More Than He Says And Notices More Than You Realize Shirt new narrative for its voters. All this is apparently ok to conservatives, yet a peanut farm was once considered a conflict of interest. The sad reality is it doesn’t fucking matter. That’s today’s headline, tomorrow or next week will be something new and this will be forgotten.t’s fascinating to see the USA to fall to such low in terms of society and country as a whole in such a short time. Seems like whatever seems good to the world the USA has a way to exploit it and make it bad. What is the answer to avoid this? Guess someone with a mustache from the 1930s owns all that Or the  Buy it:  Vintage Carpenter Knows More Than He Says And Notices Mo...

Donald Trump Will You Shut Up Man T-Shirt

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 It is about what you would pay in for a good hairdresser cut/blow dry highlight + tip. My oldest just dropped that amount at our small salon right before going back to college. (And the same hairdresser charges $25+tip to cut the boys hair for comparison). How is he able to deduct for hairstyling? Should I be seeking deductions for the shampoo and gel  Donald Trump Will You Shut Up Man T-Shirt I use in my hair? I just don't see how that's legal. Republicans cannot be shamed by pointing out their hypocrisy or moral relativism. I love how they will still defend him as a relatable billionaire when his hair cost more than their home.Maybe this is just because I’m a man who also happens to favor natural haircuts, but how are either of those numbers even possible!? I guess you need to shell out 100k for something that doesn’t look like roadkill. Trump could never spend 70K on his hair. He doesn’t have enough hair, to begin with. It was Buy it  :  Donald Trump Will You Sh...

Will You Shut Up Man Glasses American Flag Joe Biden Shirt

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 Well it costs good money to retransplant a fresh raccoon pelt onto his scalp every year. I'd still like to say, even a $100 haircut is absolutely insane to me. The comments on her post are insane. How people think Trump, a spoiled son of a millionaire, is a man of the people and AOC, a former bartender isn't is a testament to framing and storytelling. To  Will You Shut Up Man Glasses American Flag Joe Biden Shirt be fair, it's got to be hard for any stylist to make a half dozen hairs cover an increasingly growing head. I'd charge a lot, too. You gotta remember that most Redditors haven't ever spoken to a woman.Let alone had to query with one why their joint bank account was a couple of hundred dollars lower that month, only to be told: "you didn't even notice". It's almost like Republicans are total hypocrites with no moral compass whatsoever. It's more like they're more racist than misogynist since they would gladly  Buy it :  Will You S...

Bad Things Happen In Philadelphia Shirt

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 I would call this more selective outrage, hypocrisy, and/or ignorance than textbook misogyny. I thought he was the great deal maker? 70k for a roadkill pelt is hilarious. The scammer got scammed. To be fair, it takes a lot of people a lot of hours to turn whatever that is on his head into something resembling human-ish hair. Side comment about women’s  Bad Things Happen In Philadelphia Shirt hair regardless of politics. Just saying as a woman with long hair, it’s easy to get 250 for a cut If they do any kind of style or even wash. let alone any color it’s def more. Some go by the time taken to do the service too, so with tip, I can see it.So people wondering how a woman would spend that much, you pay for quality at salons. It's a good thing for republicans they destroyed democracy or they might have been held responsible for this. Talking about hair cuts  Buy it :  Bad Things Happen In Philadelphia Shirt Home : Effecttee

Be The Thunder Tampa Bay Hockey Shirt

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 After reading all these postings about our President I come to realize we're not fighting one pandemic we are fighting two. Trumpets and it seems most  Be The Thunder Tampa Bay Hockey Shirt the Republicans have it. Trump is a businessman and can afford to spend whatever he wants on haircuts. He donates his presidential salary to charity. AOC is a bartender turned politician. Her salary is purely what we pay her and therefore under more scrutiny. If you believe that Trump donates his salary, you smoke crack. Did you really work all those years busting your ass, breaking your back, destroying your health and body.ay your taxes just to live the rest of your life off of scraps. While Trump evaded paying taxes and spends 8 years of your salary on his hair? On THAT hair? I can't criticize Trump on the hair. After all, I do some required grooming to keep up my hair challenged appearance. I buzz my entire head. Assuming it was done correctly, which is likely was by a licensed profes...

2020 Presidential Debate Will You Shut Up Joe Biden Shirt

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This is the guy all these macho right-wing scumbags support. Traitor Trump the fashionista has to have his hair done at our expense. He  2020 Presidential Debate Will You Shut Up Joe Biden Shirt wouldn’t be able to fail so miserably at everything if his hair game wasn’t on point. To be honest I couldn't care less if Trump paid 70k for his hair. It's part of his brand, however shitty it is. Just like I don't give a rats ass that AOC paid for her hair. That is literally average for a woman's hair cut/color job. People should focus on more important shit in their taxes. Hair should be last on the list.Lmao, bruh who gives two shits how much shit he talks and how much of his money he spends on haircuts he CAN afford especially when he does his job halfway decently y'all will try to exploit anything. Yeah   Buy it :   2020 Presidential Debate Will You Shut Up Joe Biden Shirt Home : Effecttee

The Year I Got Engaged To The Most Awesome And Smokin’ Hot Boy Alive Shirt

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  I’m not competent to read the balance sheet of a global bank. I’ve tried on occasion, but they are absolutely Byzantine, and intentionally so. The point about the UK economy may be well made, but what is the UK econom. Oh, that is a good ideas. Good jobs. I mean, yes, we need a functioning economy in order to fund schools, hospitals etc. But  The Year I Got Engaged To The Most Awesome And Smokin’ Hot Boy Alive Shirt in terms of the current crisis, the government could issue into the debt markets and use the money to fund universal basic income, rent holidays for business, grants for the arts etc. It might be fairly expensive.I’d want a very good coupon before buying debt of a country that intentionally and knowingly flouts international law.ut we’re not Venezuela. There are two films about this that I like and recommend. The Inside Job and The Big Short. They address the 2008 financial crisis and how bad banking practices combined with human behaviour (greed) led us to the ...

Dadzilla Father Of The Monsters Vintage Retro Shirt

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  I sincerely doubt that people’s deposits make up more than a fraction of the balance sheet of any of the big UK banks. These are ferociously complex global entities that dabble in a little retail lending and deposit taking pretty much because the FCA  Dadzilla Father Of The Monsters Vintage Retro Shirt  requires them to offer this in order to maintain a uk banking licence. Also, unless I’m mistaken, people’s deposits are assets, not liabilities. Finally I’m not at all convinced your point about “taxing investors” will scare them off. This sounds very much like the lie of “trickle down economics”. However, I will address a few points in your comment. agree with the risk that you highlight here.. but if there wasn't a bail out, people's savings would've disappeared and the nation's confidence in the banking system disappear with it. Deposits are absolutely one of the top liabilities on a bank balance sheet, if not the biggest. Finally I’m not at all convinced your  ...

Joe Biden Will You Shut Up Man Signature Shirt

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  I think a lot of people misunderstood the bank bail outs. The government wasn't just giving out free money. Governments have a lot of of interest in keeping banks from failing.. because when a business fails, it is unable to pay its bills and liabilities. And what are some of the biggest liabilities on a bank's balance sheet? The people's deposits :) Also Joe Biden Will You Shut Up Man Signature Shirt , the British government has a massive amount of debt on its balance sheet at the moment. The impact on the economy due to covid (and possibly Brexit) makes it a difficult problem of how to make every last pound go as far as possible. Overall, it's like the butterfly effect. lot of these decisions could harbour significant consequences.. proper research needs to be done and it often isn't.There's a a lot of potential economic impacts as well as behavioural economics involved with a large scale decision such as that. Tax loopholes and the pursuit of tax evaders d...

I May Not Be In Missouri But I’m A Kansas City Chiefs Fan Wherever I Am Shirt

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 The whole clubbing and bar scene is struggling for survival. There are people behind it. After a year working on it, I quit my job October 2019 to start fit-out on my dream of opening a bar. It opened early March and I invested my life savings to do  I May Not Be In Missouri But I’m A Kansas City Chiefs Fan Wherever I Am Shirt it. Haven't taken a wage in nearly a year now and have no idea when I will be able to. I find it honestly pathetic that the whole world has come to a stop over a virus with a 99% survival rate, and it's seriously shady. I've spoken to NHS workers in the bar who tell me the COVID wards are empty, even at the peak of infection, so what's going on've asked them, and they don't know, so who does? Pro-lockdown/restriction people are just sitting pretty on furlough (which will be a complete shit show when it ends), people who have nothing to lose, or recluses who didn't socialise to begin with. He feels for people like that at all. The gov...