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This is our fault. Our leaders brought us to this point over the course of many years of mismanagement and profiteering. We allowed this to happen on Vote Removes Stubborn Orange Stains Shirtour democracy. I sincerely hope people will take this strange fever dream of a trump era as a learning point. Him getting elected didn’t happen overnight, years of pandering and far right-wing bullshit paved the way for him. And now they worship him. I currently have COVID and let me tell you, this shit is no joke. I am 27 and healthy and pretty fit. When I first got it I was like pshhh yeah whatever. So we don't get to see the returns and the Times won't provide them, to protect their source? have been reduced to an achy miserable old man in less than a week and it’s still getting worse. I didn’t expect it to impact me nearly as much as it did... really thought I would be one of those asymptomatic folks.
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