Hot Blood Inside Me Irish Setter American Flag Shirt
Yeah... I had a Spanish teacher who was either extremely inappropriate or extremely oblivious (with him, it is legitimately hard to Hot Blood Inside Me Irish Setter American Flag Shirt tell, he may actually not have known). He was talking about how you make flan one day and how you take the ingredients mix them together then you "BEAT IT BEAT IT BEAT IT BEAT IT" along with a hand motion. The boys in class thought this was hilarious so they would continually ask him how to make flan, so he would tell them. Honestly, he could have just been completely oblivious and was thinking "Hey, the students are smiling, cool, I'm a good teacher". My family had had to deal with his teaching for decades so we know he never learned a thing about students.I don't know. At the time, I thought he chose them specifically because they were cool. They were friends who made up their own songs and stuff and I thought they were awesome. Looking back though he probably chose those two because they were rebellious kids from low-income families.
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