A Girl And Her Yorkshires Living Life In Peace Shirt
I’m 3/3 for weirdo music teachers. In elementary she was so bad the principal had to take up trumpet and join the band to keep her from abusing students too badly. She used to make us use the communal recorders if we forgot ours and would constantly tell us we’d get a disease (mono? Herpes? Can’t remember the exact one she fixated on) from A Girl And Her Yorkshires Living Life In Peace Shirt them and die horrifically in the hospital. She would bring this up often and go into great detail on how we would die. I used to stay up late the night before music class, crying I was so terrified of her.Then in high school we had 2 who both had ‘relationships’ with students. One actually left his wife for the student soon as she turned 18, and the other guy did jail time. Music and PE, it just attracts the weird ones eh?
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